Heat and mass in the main fractionator are removed by the exchangers and product streams around the main fractionator 主分馏器里所有的反应物和能量都被交换器和产物蒸汽移除。
Whilst passing through the bed , the oxygen , carbon dioxide , moisture and some hydrocarbons are removed from the compressed air , resulting in a product stream of clean , dry , high purity nitrogen gas 本设备由空气气源净化及纯化两大部份组成。空气气源净化由以下几个单元组成:冷冻干燥单元,除油单元,吸附干燥单元,空气缓冲罐单元。
What typically happens is that resources are redirected from other projects creating delays and conflicts that jeopardize the schedules for those projects and this project s construction period is extended so that it overlaps even more with both the maintenance cycles of the previous product stream version 1 . 0 and this product version 2 . 0 , as well as the construction phase of the next product line version 3 . 0 一种典型的情况是资源被从其他专案重新定向(建立延迟和冲突会危害这些专案的计画) ,并且这个专案的建立周期会延迟以至于它和更多的之前产品流( 1 . 0版本)的维护周期、这些产品( 2 . 0版本)和下一个产品线( 3 . 0版本)的建立周期相重叠。
product: n. 1.产物,产品;制品;产量;出产。 2.结果,成果 ...stream: n. 1.河流,小河;川,溪。 2.流出,流注;一连串, ...metal product stream: 金属产物流side-stream product: 侧馏分产品a stream of: 一连串,一系列; 一连串的..be on stream: 投入生产in a stream: 处于-状态of the stream: 小溪on stream: 进行生产; 在开发过程中; 在流程中; 在运转中on-stream: adv.,adj. 在生产中(的)。 stream: n. 1.河流,小河;川,溪。 2.流出,流注;一连串,(人物等的)辈出。 3.(事件等的)连续;(财富等的)滚滚而来。 4.趋势,倾向,潮流。 5.〔英国〕(一个年级学生中按智力划分的)班组。 A bridge is being built over the foaming stream. 正在这条怒流滚滚的河上建造一座桥。 The accident delayed a long stream of cars, buses and bicycles. 这一交通事故阻碍了一条汽车、公共汽车和脚踏车的长流。 a stream of lava 熔岩流。 sun streams 太阳光线。 the stream of time [times] 时代趋势。 the stream of popular opinion 舆论趋势。 the stream of thought 思潮。 against the stream 逆流;违反时势。 down (the) stream 顺流,向下游。 go by in a stream 一连串陆续通过。 in streams [a stream] 连续,陆续,接连,川流不息地。 in the stream 在河的中流。 up (the) stream 逆流,向上游。 with the stream 顺流;顺应时势。 vi. 1.流,流动;(泪等)流出;(光线等)射出。 2.蜂拥而进,鱼贯而行,川流不息地通过。 3.(旗等)飘扬,招展;(头发)飘动。 vt. 1.使流,使流出,倾注。 2.使飘扬;展开(旗帜等)。 3.把(学生)按智力等分班。 Students are now streaming back to their dormitories. 现在学生们川流不息地回到宿舍去。 I turned off the light and let the moonlight stream in through the window. 我关上电灯,让月光从窗间照射进来。 The flag is streaming in the wind. 旗帜在风中飘扬。 a streaming cold 流鼻涕淌眼泪的感冒。 a streaming umbrella 淌着雨水的伞。 crowd streaming past 接连不断走过的群众。 Her eyes streamed tears. 她的眼睛流泪。 The honeysuckle was streaming scent. 忍冬花放出香气。 The school streams pupils into three classes. 学校按智力把学生分成三班。 adj. -d 1.=streamline. 2.最新式的。 stream no: 物流号stream on: 在流程中by product: 副产品; 副产物by-product: 副产品。 it product: 信息技术产品of product: 产品的可变现净值product: n. 1.产物,产品;制品;产量;出产。 2.结果,成果。 3.创作,作品。 4.【化学】生成物;【数学】积,乘积。 natural products 天然产物。 agricultural products 农产品。 residual product 副产物。 40 is the product of 5 and 8. 40是5和8的积。 product product: 产品展示revived stream;rejuvenated stream: 复活河stream-to-stream time: 停工检修时间a brawling stream: 哗哗哗流淌的小溪a day in the stream: 钓鱼的收获a gurgling stream: 流水淙淙; 溪水淙淙a limpid stream: 清亮的溪水